Description of the activity
In the recent years we have seen that many schools have opted to include English in subjects such as mathematics or science, which has been effective in improving the competence of students in both areas.
Throughout this process of implementation of these practises it has been generated a theoretical framework from different research and experiences, in order to ensure effective development and quality.
This course provides a methodological basis for CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) and ICT resources (research, mind maps, presentations, audio and video editors…) always related to the different aspects presented.
Course duration
45 hours
Target audience
This course will be done in English and it is not only addressed to English teachers but also to all educators interested in discovering a new and effective methodology.
Technical requirements
- Updated Internet navigator (such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, others)
- Text processor (open office writer, MS Word, others)
- PDF reader (for example, Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader)
- Basic knowledge of ICT
- Promote the implementation of the key aspects of CLIL methodology.
- Generate different materials and activities, under the CLIL framework and ICT resources implementation.
- Reflect on the teaching practice in order to integrate new strategies and ensure quality learning opportunities.
The course contents are structured in six modules:
- Module 0: Introduction and updating
- Updating of the web browser and its plug ins (Java, Flash …)
- KWL presentation forum.
- Module 1: CLIL General Framework
- Overview of the methodology and the 4 C’s
- Development of activities under this principle
- Module 2: Scaffolding for success
- Introduction to the concept of scaffolding and its implications
- Creation of activities regarding language scaffolding.
- Module 3: Cognition (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
- Theoretical view
- Practice on “LOTS Hots and activities”
- Generation of digital presentations
- Module 4: Sequencing and auditing
- Cummin’s Matrix tool and its uses in CLIL
- Module 5: Evaluation
- Types of evaluation and the importance of ” Assessment as learning”
- Guidelines for rubrics development
- Module 6: ICT resources in the English classroom
- Digital resources of different types (pod cast, video, forms generators, presentations …)
- Module 7: Cooperative work
- Guidelines and orientations for a good management of the groups
- Final project
- Directions to prepare teaching units considering the CLIL principles
- Links to different CLIL programming models
- Final Project
This is an on-line course, so connected to internet and using this virtual classroom. It is very important to actively participate in the forums suggested to make the course more rewarding and we encourage you to explore all proposed materials, and dare you to be creative and experiment with ICT tools. The final project will contribute to summarize all your knowledge with all submitted content.
Assessment plan
The assessment of the course is based on two different aspects:
A) Ongoing evaluation: Although all the activities are important to achieve the objectives of the course, special attention is paid on:
Task | Evaluation criteria | Weighting
Compulsory activities | ||
Activity1 – Module 1. Mind-map creation |
5% |
Activity 2 – Module 2
5% |
Activity 3 – Module 2 |
10% |
Activity 4 – Module 2. Asking good questions |
5% |
Activity 5 – Module 2. Sequencing tasks |
10% |
Activity 6. Module 4
10% |
Activity 7 – Module 5
5% |
Activity 8 – Module 3. Rubrics creation |
5% |
Activity 9 – Module 4. Design an ICT task |
5% |
Activity 10 – Module 7
5% |
Participation in forums and debates |
5% |
Final project |
30% |
B) Satisfaction survey: in which the students give feedback about the course development (teachers support, materials, activities, etc.)
Certification requirements
To pass this course it is required to:
- Participate in debates and forums.
- Complete the activities proposed in each module. The assessment activities must be submitted before the deadline, these activities will be returned with a comment or feedback.
- Do the final project
Marta Cabeza @mcabeza
Maestra de primaria especialista en lengua inglesa en la Escola Emili Vallès de Igualada (Barcelona). Formadora de docentes sobre metodologia AICLE.
Almodis Orellana @almodis
Maestra de primaria, especialista de inglés en la Escola Emili Vallès de Igualada. Formadora de docentes sobre herramientas TAC y metodologia AICLE.
*El curs d’AICLE està reconegut pel Departament d’Ensenyament, però té una durada de 45 hores, motiu pel qual no serà suficient per a activar el perfil lingüístic degut al canvi de normativa, a la que els requisits són:
“Tenir acreditada la formació en metodologia d’ensenyament i aprenentatge integrat de llengua i contingut AICLE a través de màsters, postgraus o activitats de formació permanent amb un mínim de 90 hores o haver participat en un programa d’innovació educativa en relació amb aquest aprenentatge publicats al Portal de Centre d’acord amb l’apartat 3 de l’annex 2.”
Més informació aquí
L’Associació Espiral, oferirà la segona part d’aquest curs a la tardor amb una durada de 45 hores mes, per així poder completar les 90 hores sol·licitades pel Departament.